The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

Bobby Alu

Bobby Alu

Singer, ukulele strummer and drummer
Kiel Tillman

Kiel Tillman

Artist, scriber, illustrator
Danielle Micich

Danielle Micich

Artistic director and CEO of Force Majeure

Sara Carrigan

Sara Carrigan

Co-mayor of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Village
Jennifer Wiseman

Jennifer Wiseman

Astrophysicist, Hubble Senior Project Scientist
Emily Wurramara

Emily Wurramara

Maddy Jane

Maddy Jane

Jeremy Goldstein

Jeremy Goldstein

London theatre producer, writer and performer

Kate Fell

Kate Fell

Co-creative director, Festival 2018 Gold Coast
Dita Von Teese

Dita Von Teese

Burlesque dancer, model, costume designer and fashion icon
Polly Snowden

Polly Snowden

Producer, photographer, music lover
Sel Berdie

Sel Berdie

Co-founder, BSKT and Cocowhip
Le Gateau Chocolat

Le Gateau Chocolat

Cabaret performer, opera singer and drag diva
Joe Hansen

Joe Hansen

Bass guitarist, Grinspoon
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