The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

For the love of oat milk – you need to try Alt Coffee For the love of oat milk – you need to try Alt Coffee For the love of oat milk – you need to try Alt Coffee

For the love of oat milk – you need to try Alt Coffee

No matter your personal preferences, it's undeniable that dairy milk alternatives for a morning brew are becoming more prevalent. Whether you're partial to macadamia, can't go past oat milk or you've got a soft spot for soy, there's one issue – generally, coffee has been roasted with dairy milk envisioned as its eventual partner. Well, caffeine lovers, you're in luck – the legends at Uki's Bastion Lane Espresso have delivered a solution to the milk dilemma – Alt Coffee , which has been purposely created with milk alternatives in mind.

Roasted specifically for use with milk alternatives, Alt Coffee has been designed to avoid the usual splitting that can occur with non-dairy milk. With a deep flavour including hazelnuts and chocolate (yum), the full-bodied Arabica beans are roasted in house by Bastion Lane Espresso after being sourced from an organic and ethical grower in Peru. Considering the uptake of an array of alternative milks, Alt Coffee is a timely addition that is set to improve bean juice across the country.

Bastion Lane’s ‘roast shop’ – as it’s fondly known thanks to its location within the historical Uki Post office – also pumps out the signature Post Master’s Roast, Popayán Filter Single Origin and a decaf blend. All four blends are small-batch hand roasted in a Diedrich roaster before being climate-stored, packed and distributed from the very same building. Distributing the tasty blend to wholesalers local and afar means that Bastion Lane Espresso gets to share the small-batch coffee love, with Alt Coffee being a groundbreaking new addition to the offering. Whether you’re a professional purveyor of flat whites or you’re merely a home brewer, Alt Coffee is available in a range of grinds to suit your set up. From whole beans to espresso or plunger grinds, Alt Coffee is even available in a weekly, fortnightly or monthly subscription so that you’re never left high and dry in a time of coffee need.

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