The Weekend Edition - Sleep In. Slow Down. Enjoy.

Seven energy-saving tips to help your power bill (and the planet) this summer

Seven energy-saving tips to help your power bill (and the planet) this summer

Nothing says summer like a huge power bill. In an attempt to beat the heat we often find ourselves pumping the air conditioning and spending more time indoors on our electrical devices. Wish you could stop your costs rising like the mercury on your thermostat? Us too, but it can be tough to know where to start. To help you keep your cool (physically and financially) we’ve done our research and put together seven tips for conserving energy on hot days. Plus as an added bonus, your reduced energy consumption will also benefit the environment.

Nature knows best
It might be hard to imagine, but there was a time before air conditioning was commonplace in every home. In a throwback to that time, the first of our energy-saving tips is to utilise alternative ways to keep cool. Open your windows and pull that fan out of storage to get a breeze going.

Keep it covered
In a move that is sure to make your nosy neighbours suspicious, we recommend covering your windows to minimise the heat in your home. Draw your curtains, blinds and awnings to block the harsh heat of sunlight. Plus it will help with efficiency on the days you really need that air con pumping.

Set and forget
The world would be a better place if we spent less time thinking negative thoughts and more time thinking about thermostats. Did you know that every unnecessary degree increases energy consumption by about five-to-ten percent? It’s recommended that you set your thermostat between 25–27°C in the summer months.

Avoid peak times
You read right – just like traffic, energy has peak usage times. Due to high demand, using devices during these times can cost more. The peak time to avoid in Queensland is 4:00–8:00 pm on weekdays.

Pull the plug
This might just be the simplest way to save energy – unplug appliances when you’re finished using them. Stand-by energy settings mean a plugged-in product is using power even when it’s not in use (even your fully charged smartphone).

Stay out of hot water
Nothing feels better than a steamy hot shower … in winter. During summer we couldn’t think of much worse. Since you won’t be needing it, turn down the temperature of your water heater in the hotter months.

Seal the deal
Does it feel like your air conditioning is never cool enough? Put down the remote and look around – are any doors or windows open? Seal all openings to let your AC perform at its best.

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